Saturday 11 May 2013

Love has a smell

I was reading a joke about the smell of love today and I realized, that,  love really has a smell. Every relationship works if the smell that the partners have are compatible. Just think about it, haven't you seen the smell of jealousy that almost all girls have it? Or, haven't you smelled "the macho" from the guy that tries to do brave stuff to impress his girl? Everyone has a smell when it comes to love,even if you don't see it in a person at the beginning, it is probably because he/she is too shy or maybe he/she doesn't wear any perfume  for you this day. I think it is great and it makes things more simple because if you have a good nose you can juggle around with people's perfumes( in a good way of course ). When it comes to happy endings I think a blocked nose is making everyone happy,because at the end of the day all relationships come to a point where the survival point of the relation depends on the capacity of the participants to endure each other bad smells.It is sad but just have a look around and see that all the beginnings are nice because of the new smell,and last for a while, till you kind of get use to the smell. At that point some people are looking for other fragrances, some people try to change their perfumes to make it work,but at the end of the day all that is left is some sick feeling of liking the perfume only because you got used to it,you like it in a "habit" way and you are afraid of letting it go and u stay with it,you try to block your nose sometimes and smile pretending is the best perfume in the world ...

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