Thursday 9 May 2013

Late night epiphany

Last night I had a moment of shine in my head. I was watching " Friends " the series and I was watching that episode where Ross and Rachel fight for the first time and they decide to take a break,then Ross finds out a guy is spending a night with Rachel and he sleeps with another women because he thought they were on a break. When he starts to say he can't live without her and he will miss her tiny hands,her heart etc.. it hit me, I was that guy in a certain time in my life, I was that Ross once,I know how does it feel that thing..and it is kind of bad, and because of this I was thinking how everyone has their "grand plan" where they will get married and have a kid or two, have a dog and a big house and all of that,and then I looked at myself and asked myself will I ever have that ? And I answered my own question, no, I will never have that,that is just a dream created by the society and put in our heads, it would be lovely don't get me wrong, I would love to have that but unfortunately only a small amount of people get to live in this world a true love story. I don't think I want to be that Ross anymore, to love someone and loose it again and again and again.. I think for the first time in my life I will be a bachelor and I will be that uncle who didn't got married,that's how I see myself in the future...

1 comment:

  1. Hell 6 in the morning and your brain still has ideas, kudos dude, nice article
