Thursday 4 July 2013

Is there a last chance?

Presuming that every person has a sole mate what if you screw up with your sole mate?..Will you become a lost sole?...lonely forever?..What happens?.... A second train will come...that is why I ask myself for some long time..what if she was the one,I screwed and she is with another guy. I mean on a selfish line,did she found another sole mate?Why she gets over that fast and I have to wait so long?It is not like I am the only one to blame ??!?! these things works. It's not like I try to solve these problems but I am having some close to reality dreams that put me on thinking .. What will happen....

Thursday 23 May 2013

Just woke up

I just woke up cause of the annoying ringing bell from downstairs and I feel so so so sad because I was dreaming something really nice (if you think with the heart) and very disturbing (for me at least) rational thinking. I was dreaming that I was living in the same building with one of the important ex's and we broke up(obviously every time) and I was writing in front of the building, on the stairs,with some white chalk that I am so sorry.I love her, and all kinds of cheesy things,she came down...saw what I have done and left.I was a bit upset at the beginning but after  a couple of minutes she came and she started to talk something in English and I was laughing  and we  made up and start kissing...till the annoying post man started to ring the bell...damn you postman you stole my tiny piece of happiness that I had last days.

Saturday 11 May 2013

Love has a smell

I was reading a joke about the smell of love today and I realized, that,  love really has a smell. Every relationship works if the smell that the partners have are compatible. Just think about it, haven't you seen the smell of jealousy that almost all girls have it? Or, haven't you smelled "the macho" from the guy that tries to do brave stuff to impress his girl? Everyone has a smell when it comes to love,even if you don't see it in a person at the beginning, it is probably because he/she is too shy or maybe he/she doesn't wear any perfume  for you this day. I think it is great and it makes things more simple because if you have a good nose you can juggle around with people's perfumes( in a good way of course ). When it comes to happy endings I think a blocked nose is making everyone happy,because at the end of the day all relationships come to a point where the survival point of the relation depends on the capacity of the participants to endure each other bad smells.It is sad but just have a look around and see that all the beginnings are nice because of the new smell,and last for a while, till you kind of get use to the smell. At that point some people are looking for other fragrances, some people try to change their perfumes to make it work,but at the end of the day all that is left is some sick feeling of liking the perfume only because you got used to it,you like it in a "habit" way and you are afraid of letting it go and u stay with it,you try to block your nose sometimes and smile pretending is the best perfume in the world ...

Thursday 9 May 2013

Late night epiphany

Last night I had a moment of shine in my head. I was watching " Friends " the series and I was watching that episode where Ross and Rachel fight for the first time and they decide to take a break,then Ross finds out a guy is spending a night with Rachel and he sleeps with another women because he thought they were on a break. When he starts to say he can't live without her and he will miss her tiny hands,her heart etc.. it hit me, I was that guy in a certain time in my life, I was that Ross once,I know how does it feel that thing..and it is kind of bad, and because of this I was thinking how everyone has their "grand plan" where they will get married and have a kid or two, have a dog and a big house and all of that,and then I looked at myself and asked myself will I ever have that ? And I answered my own question, no, I will never have that,that is just a dream created by the society and put in our heads, it would be lovely don't get me wrong, I would love to have that but unfortunately only a small amount of people get to live in this world a true love story. I don't think I want to be that Ross anymore, to love someone and loose it again and again and again.. I think for the first time in my life I will be a bachelor and I will be that uncle who didn't got married,that's how I see myself in the future...

Wednesday 8 May 2013

Why every time people say you are really smart,handsome,etc when you're young

I've been thinking lately why everyone keep lying to their kids about them. They tell them their nice,smart etc...let's face it not everyone is handsome and smart and all those qualities. I am not envying them,I just have the feeling that when we were kids we were lied a lot and raised our expectations.For example my parents told me I am very smart and really handsome and I grew up with that and now I realized I am not that smart or handsome. Is just that simple problem that when you're young you have your head pumped up with all those crazy things and you have dreams and you hope for a prince/princess in your life and suddenly when you reach your 20's BANG----> reality suck's. The hole purpose of this post is that I think parents shouldn't lie their kids that much,I am not saying tell your kids their ugly or stupid .. encourage them of course but make it in a way to prepare it for the future so when they grow up they are prepared for the reality and not for a dream..