Friday 11 July 2014

Society got me..

 I think it's an year since my last post, and from the guy who was thinking about his lost sole mate and acting desperate, I got over it , realized there is plenty of fish in the sea. Last year I wasn't thinking like now,I was depressed, I was alone and maybe desperate , now I am just alone but now I think I have a glimpse in my future and I think I know how I wanna do it, I think I know how I want to get old..
I am thinking now that I want to start gym ( I've been saying this for years but I never did ), but now I am actually pretty sure I want to change my life, I want to get fit and healthy trough a diet and intensive training, quitting smoking and not drinking anything but water ( at least 2l / day) . Hopefully next year on this time I am gonna be fit and close the get the job that I want ...wish me luck ! :)

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