Friday 11 July 2014

Society got me..

 I think it's an year since my last post, and from the guy who was thinking about his lost sole mate and acting desperate, I got over it , realized there is plenty of fish in the sea. Last year I wasn't thinking like now,I was depressed, I was alone and maybe desperate , now I am just alone but now I think I have a glimpse in my future and I think I know how I wanna do it, I think I know how I want to get old..
I am thinking now that I want to start gym ( I've been saying this for years but I never did ), but now I am actually pretty sure I want to change my life, I want to get fit and healthy trough a diet and intensive training, quitting smoking and not drinking anything but water ( at least 2l / day) . Hopefully next year on this time I am gonna be fit and close the get the job that I want ...wish me luck ! :)

From the caveman to 6 pack dude

What's the purpose of a single guy going out? Well I'll tell you, finding the best catch he can have, and this is like 80-90 % of the cases... Every guy that's going out is look for a having fun, meet a girl, maybe get laid... And the thing that I wanted to talk about is that we evolved? Back in the time when there were tribes, there were the alfa males, the big fellas, the warriors of the tribe, those were the males that were having the ladies back then...the situation hasn't changed that much. Now the guys go to the gym to get bigger and to have a 6 pack, just to impress the ladies, maybe 10 % of them are doing it for a health reasons. So as brutal as it seems my point is that we are not so different then the animals, we behave like them.. in most cases the girl is gonna go with the big handsome men, not with the small thin guy...just like in the wild the big alpha male gets all the ladies ...